Management Decisions and Surgical Considerations in Severe Glaucoma

New and chronic patients with advanced glaucoma present a host of difficulties for managing providers, this presentation will review these issues and some tips for managing these complex patients.
New and chronic patients with advanced glaucoma present a host of difficulties for managing providers. Is the patient stable? What testing is helpful? Is the patient at risk for loss of functional vision? Do they need surgery? Is surgery too risky? What other factors besides their intraocular pressure are important to consider? What topics should be discussed with the patient and family?
Dr. Jordan Stanley, glaucoma specialist from Marietta, GA will spend the first half of the presentation reviewing the management strategies for patients with advanced end stage glaucoma. These patients offer an array of challenges in management because typical diagnostic modalities can be limited or have high variability. They can also be burdened with multiple ocular comorbidities which may make diagnosing the responsible mechanism for visual decline difficult. Advanced glaucoma has natural fluctuations in symptoms making it difficult to distinguish progression from fluctuation for both patient and provider. This virtual activity will review these issues and some tips for managing these complex patients. The second half will address when elevated intraocular pressure and cataract surgery overlap. This will address intraoperative issues that can arise including suprachoroidal hemorrhage and pre-operative glaucoma conditions that benefit from cataract surgery.
Presenter: Jordan Stanley, MD
Panelists: Zachary Vest, MD + Anjali Sheth, MD + Arvind Neelakantan, MD + Carl Sloan, MD